Episode Two is Complete

We’re now exactly two weeks out from the official release of episode one, and I’m happy to report that I have finished the bulk draft for episode two as well. Now to get it cleaned up and off to beta readers!

I know this probably seems at odds with my last post, where I was worried about delaying works because episode two was only half finished, but in the last week or so I have laid down a truly staggering amount of words. I’m honestly as surprised as anyone. It certainly wasn’t my plan to write so much in the 11th hour, but the story was there in my mind and wanted out. Frankly I’m glad to not have it bouncing off my mental walls anymore.

So yeah, good news. I’m going to take a little break after this to get back to another project, but with luck will be pulling episode three together this summer for a release at the end of 2019.